
Detail shot of model wearing an asymmetrical midnight faux leather top with grass green bubble hem detail

Asymmetrical midnight faux leather top with satin grass green bubble hem detail

Full body shot of model wearing a midnight faux leather bustier with a satin grass green bubble hem and midnight pinstripe pant with faux leather trim

Bubble hem bustier top paired with midnight pinstripe pant with faux leather trim

Side view of model wearing a midnight pinstripe pant with faux leather trim along the side and a midnight faux leather bustier with grass green bubble hem

Bubble hem detail symbolizes the evolving journey of Growth.

Back view of model wearing midnight faux leather bustier with grass green bubble hem and midnight pinstripe pant with faux leather trim.

Bustier top contains an invisible zipper on center back seam.

Up-close view of model wearing the asymmetrical bubble hem top and the pinstripe pant with faux leather trim.

Front view of model wearing look titled "Growth."

Growth is an ever-evolving theme that all living beings on earth experience. It is a process of development in quantity, size, and complexity. My collection highlights the personal development that a person goes through in life when they grow. With these looks, I hope to empower others as they navigate their own paths of growth in life. Through voluminous silhouettes, I was able to encapsulate the evolution of growth in state, matter, and time.


Model: Estella Sirkin

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Jesika Davis

Jesika Davis

White Plains, New York


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